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IEEE MeditCom is the IEEE ComSoc Conference serving the Mediterranean area and surrounding countries. It gathers visionaries in academia, research labs and industry from all over the world to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with a top-notch technical program addressing hottest topics in the areas of communications and networking. IEEE MeditCom 2022 solicits Industry and Academia to submit papers on a wide range of research subjects, spanning both theoretical topics and system engineering. Original technical papers are sought in the following areas:
- Network Architectures, SDN, NFV
- Cloud Communications and Data-Center Networks
- Optical Networks and Systems, Radio over Fiber
- Mobile and Wireless Communications and Networking
- 5G Mobile Systems and their Components
- Molecular and Nanoscale Communications
- Satellite and Space Communications
- Underground and Underwater Communications
- Image, Speech and Signal Processing for Communications
- Big Data and Machine Learning for Communications
- Semantic Web and Ontologies
- Internet of Things, Smart grids, and Vehicular Networks
- Edge Computing, Edge Intelligence, and Fog Networks
- Semantic Communications
- Green Communications and Energy Efficient Computing
- Network Applications and Services
- Analytical Models, Simulation, Testbeds & Prototypes
- Network Management and Cognitive Radio
- QoE/QoS Support and Cross-Layer Optimization
- Performance Evaluation of Communication Systems
- Massive MIMO, Signal Processing, and Coding
- Advanced PHY and MAC Techniques
- Security, Privacy, Trust and Blockchain
- 6G Systems
- Machine Learning for Communications and Networks
- Communications and Information Theory
- Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Communications
- Integrated Sensing and Communications
- Cell-Free Massive MIMO
- RIS/LIS-Aided Communications
Important Dates
Submissions Deadline: 19 June 2022 (Extended)
Acceptance Notification: 15 July 2022 (Extended)
Camera-Ready Submission: 29 July 2022 (Extended)
COVID-19 Update / Presentation Format
We are happy to welcome you in Athens and we are confident that travel restrictions will be further lowered with the summer. Nevertheless, to facilitate global participation from all Regions and considering the possibility that travel restrictions will be tightened again, presenters will be allowed to present their works also remotely by way of the teleconference platform that will be adopted by MeditCom.
Further details will be posted as soon as possible.